My name is Paul Hobcraft.

I work as a transition advocate for innovation, ecosystems, and the industrial internet of things (IIoT) and energy systems.
My principal job is to relate content to context to give greater knowledge and build the transition narratives we are all undergoing to improve our collective understanding.
I have been investing my time in growing my understanding, expertise, and thinking over some distinctive but interrelated “core” topics based on experience, constant engagements and depth of research undertaken.
The whole Energy Transition has been a growing platform to apply my innovation learning and ecosystem thinking.
Why are these interrelated topics? Simply each them, innovation and ecosystem design flow through all we do to create value, deliver impact and find improved ways to collaborate and learn. As they all interconnect, it is finding impactful ways for any business to advance on its own journey delivers sustainable growth and new business potential.
My focus is actually far more on the Front End Of the Energy Transition, as this is where innovation begins. I believe there is a real gap in the need to build a robust innovation capability, capacity and competency. We have over twenty years of advising and transforming innovation activities across different business sectors to help fill that gap.
My energy transition proposition is to assist and help those wanting to accelerate their energy journey, emphasising where innovation fits. Innovation begins with discovery and then moves through the innovation pipeline through its experimenting, validating, testing, often multiple trials, commissioning and eventual commercialization roll-outs. Energy innovation is my focal point.
We need to achieve that desire to add more impact, understanding, and awareness to the Energy Transition to give greater momentum to internal teams provide additional momentum and resolution. Finding those valuable, impactful solutions is critical.
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