Energy Transforming

Innovating4Energy advocates for a systematic, innovative, and flexible approach to transforming the energy system. The keys are the mix of building the pillars of innovation and ingenuity, the research and deployment approach, and the reforming and disruption strategies, which are all essential components of this Energy Transforming approach, delivered over clear impact steps.

Our approach emphasises the importance of learning from experimentation, piloting, testing and exploration so organisations can drive meaningful change in their part of the energy sector to progress rapidly towards a more sustainable and efficient energy future.

We look to break down our thinking approach step by step:

  1. Changing the Energy Ecosystem: This signifies the overarching goal of making significant and positive changes to how energy is produced, distributed, and consumed. It often implies a shift towards cleaner, more sustainable, and more efficient energy sources and practices.
  2. Building Out an Approach: This suggests developing a structured and systematic plan or strategy to transform the energy ecosystem. This approach should be well-thought-out and comprehensive.
  3. Change Through Innovation and Ingenuity: To bring about meaningful change, the approach emphasizes the importance of creativity, originality, and novel solutions. This implies that simply following established practices may not be sufficient, and new ideas and inventions are necessary.
  4. Experimentation and Pilots: This highlights the need to try out new technologies, processes, or concepts on a smaller scale before implementing them on a larger, more significant scale. Pilots and experiments allow for learning from mistakes and refining strategies.
  5. Leapfrog Opportunities: Often, there is a desire to skip over intermediate stages of development and adopt more advanced, efficient, or sustainable technologies or practices. Leapfrogging often involves embracing cutting-edge solutions instead of gradually evolving existing systems. This needs careful evaluation and adaptation.
  6. Rapid Learning: We are all searching for means of quickly acquiring knowledge and insights, often from external sources but also from experimentation and experiences. It’s about being agile and adaptable to new information and challenges. to apply this
  7. Knowledge Sharing: To accelerate progress, our approach involves sharing the gained knowledge and insights across relevant stakeholders through workshops, broader discussions and context setting within and outside the organizations involved. This helps draw out issues, concerns and fresh ideas, promotes the spreading of best or emerging practices and avoids duplicative efforts or simply going “it” alone.