I am looking for a “combination effect” offering insights, knowledge and services.
Energy is transforming, and it is those that build new solutions through innovation that will become the frontrunners.
My job is to help and support them on their way.
Our belief is there is a real gap in the need to build a robust innovation capability, capacity and competency for achieving real change in the energy system.
My dedicated posting sites for the energy transition are:
www.innovating4energy.com – This posting site offers a mix of thought leadership, news and awareness
www.digital4energy.com– This site focuses on the growing influence of digitalization on the energy system
Should we allow energy to continue on its current system, reliant on fossil fuels, old, inadequate energy systems, and unreliable infrastructure solutions?
Or do we finally recognize, power solutions need to change radically into sources of energy, based more on renewables, that provide cleaner, more naturally sustaining environments based on wind, the sun, and natural conversion of water or the increased use of biomass?
These Energy posting sites provide insights and knowledge to support and complement your understanding of the Energy Transition we are all undertaking
The energy ecosystem is not impacting many; it is affecting us all
I am looking at the Energy Transition from an evolving technology innovation perspective. In other words, what “forces” can be identified or promoted that can transform the existing energy system through the pursuit of the new invention, innovation, or technological advancement.
Specifically, the ones that will be needed over such an extended time and complexity of change that this Energy Transition will take upwards of twenty to thirty years to give it an unstoppable momentum.
I have been building out the value in my proposal of having a Fitness Landscape framework within the Energy Transition and why it makes sense.
Here in this post, I want to expand my thinking around navigating a complex landscape that the Energy Transition demands. Continue reading →
Understanding any ecosystem, you have to attempt to understand the whole system. The energy system is no different to begin to relate and build innovative solutions that bring this complexity into a new order.
To help with this energy ecosystem thinking the International Energy Agency (IEA) are doing some pioneering work that I want to touch upon briefly, so there is a broader awareness of this.
In this report, they have developed some improved modelling tools to bring a higher capacity to answer key technology questions in greater detail that make up the Energy Ecosystem.
Innovation is vital to the energy system’s integration and operation design, and we need to further recognize its crucial role. I believe we undertake a radical transformation in the way we supply, transform, and use energy. This requires a profound transformation in technologies, systems, and infrastructure.
Innovation is made up of many enabling technologies that support energy. This complexity requires innovative approaches to be built in highly systematic ways. Its ultimate result is to offer innovation that can continually look for re-imagining new market designs and business models to stimulate the changes and solutions for our future energy transformation.
Innovation needs to be transformational, offer greater value than what it is replacing, show the real advantage, set out to achieve competitive gains and offer a higher level of sustainability, value and impact.
We need an innovative mantra for energy.
Energy is a vital part of any country’s ability to be competitive. Today half the world’s capital is invested in energy and its related infrastructure as it is the backbone of any industrial and urbanization strategy.
Our need is to keep pushing for discoveries, for experimentation, for demonstrating. We must nurture innovation, and we must continuously look for ways to facilitate its pathway. Continue reading →
We need to find a climate-friendly energy source that overcomes those current end-use sectors that are hard to electrify as they need to require high-intensity heat levels than coal and natural gas provides. These high-grade industry heat sectors, known as hard-to-abate, such as steel and chemicals, some heavy transport, aviation, shipping, agriculture, and industrial feedstocks, need to put in place a clean energy carrier.
Enter Hydrogen, reinvigorated and repurposed based on Renewables and new Technology designs
Presently Hydrogen is the only feasible route for at-scale decarbonization. It is a highly versatile, clean, and flexible energy vector. So many have evaluated the potential of hydrogen sector by sector that ramping up Hydrogen is needed to achieve any energy transition in an efficient and economically attractive way.
The problem today is that Hydrogen is simply not (yet) fit for large-scale deployment. The accepted wisdom is Hydrogen is a really good solution as a clean energy carrier, feedstock, and fuel. It can facilitate the extensive scale integration of renewables through conversion from H2O to pure Hydrogen (H2). Continue reading →
Connecting the partsOur belief & mission: “We believe there is a real gap in the need to build a robust innovation capability, capacity, and competency to help accelerate the Energy Transition journey”.Our role: “To be a “translator.” We take the perspective of the innovator looking for fresh opportunities in the energy transition. That of supporting and accelerating your existing ideas and concepts. adding in further impact & value.”Why are we different?the aim to achieve better, faster and more valuable future solutions for clients with a focus on energy sustainability – To offer new perspectives, supporting and building different more exciting and valuable business models, ones based on new innovations & fresh insights for lasting impact.”Who we are (links) :Agility Innovationinnovating4energy.cominnovation4energy.websiteWhat we offer: Fresh knowledge and insights that are based on deep research and know-how, corporate understanding plus twenty years of advising and transforming innovation activities. We believe we are providing a great resource to “tap into” from the advisory role, connecting the Energy Transition needs by looking from the Innovators perspective.We provide a unique blend of services within the Energy Transition.Why innovate energy?Any transition needs designing with external and internal perspectives, it needs innovation to provide a new future. Our research, your insights and the depth of our combined experience builds momentum that we believe translates into new valuable business offerings.
It is the place I feel I can make the best contribution, a place where innovation thrives and drives discovery to commercialization of a new idea that emerges as a concept of value, often replacing something that does not “serve today’s or tomorrow’s purpose, where the energy transition must embrace fully “
My aim here is : “To achieve better, faster and more valuable future solutions with a focus on sustainability, to anticipate constant change and build different more exciting and valuable business models for lasting impact”
The belief of why innovation is vital to the Energy Transition
Our belief is there is real value for you to view what you doing with a different lens. There is often a need to bridge the awareness gap. Knowledge is gained when it is shared and exchanged. I put a lot of my time into researching the energy transition.
Our role is to be a “translator” and to take the perspective of the innovator looking for fresh opportunities, supporting and accelerating your existing ideas and concepts. We need to relate, even “ground” thinking and determine the real value and potential
We believe there is a real gap in the need to build a robust innovation capability, capacity and competency to help accelerate the Energy Transition journey. I have over twenty years of advising and transforming innovation activities, not a bad resource to “tap into”.
Innovation begins with discovery, then it moves through the innovation pipeline, through its experimenting, validating, testing, often multiple trials, commissioning and eventual commercialization roll-outs.
Innovation is critical in this energy transition.
We need to move from research and development, through engineering validation but into pilot and scaling actual solutions at speed. We do not have the luxury of evaluating these over standard lifetime returns or observing others over the years, there is the need to raise validation and take higher risks, than in more stable times.
We need to be more pioneering. Without a coordinated effort, risk is always cautious without some form of guarantee or point of crisis. To date, we have not generated co-ordination in policies, collaborations, and commitments to shared risks. We have yet to fully place in the minds of everyone what the crisis is and where it is heading if we do not respond with a real sense of purpose.
So for us, the energy transition is at the forefront of “cutting edge” innovation to deliver and why this gets our real attention in the ways we can support the energy transition to offer ways to understand, investigate, research and become even more fully immersed in it.
Our ongoing focus is to continually become even more conversant in the Energy Transition, to build out what we know and can provide as “accelerating input” into its complexity in resolving both its issues and barriers, but also in “formulating outputs” in scope, opportunities and magnitude of scale for contributing where possible to supporting each organizations journey.
Our role is to be a “translator” and to take the perspective of the innovator looking for fresh opportunities, supporting and accelerating your existing ideas and concepts. We need to relate, even “ground” thinking and determine the real value and potential
We provide a range of services that support your energy transitionat the front of the change process.
I have three sources of energy reference that is building the Energy Story, as I am seeing it. I encourage you to take a look….please
www.digital4energy.com – the digitalization of energy is a very exciting place at present as its value is recognized as vital to bring our energy up to date.
We believe there is a real gap in the need to build a robust innovation capability, capacity and competency to help accelerate the Energy Transition journey. I have over twenty years of advising and transforming innovation activities, not a bad resource to “tap into”.
Two points of innovation reference that are my core here
Innovation begins with discovery, then it moves through the innovation pipeline, through its experimenting, validating, testing, often multiple trials, commissioning and eventual commercialization roll-outs.
The opportunities for change are simply opening up everywhere. Our belief it is innovation will be at the forefront of the changes.
This level of investment commitment will radically alter the job landscape, where energy is generated, by what means, and how it is going to be distributed, stored and consumed by us all.
Presently we are not making the essential investments we need to make. The period 2020 to 2030 is absolutely critical for investments not just to be pledged but effectively deployed on the ground in the physical solutions and effective operation needed to make this energy transition required on track to reach the climate goals.
We need to move from research and development, through engineering validation but into pilot and scaling actual solutions at speed. We do not have the luxury of evaluating these over standard lifetime returns or observing others over the years, there is the need to raise validation and take higher risks, than in more stable times.
We need to be more pioneering. Without a coordinated effort, risk is always cautious without some form of guarantee or point of crisis. To date, we have not generated co-ordination in policies, collaborations, and commitments to shared risks. We have yet to fully place in the minds of everyone what the crisis is and where it is heading if we do not respond with a real sense of purpose.
My innovating purpose in the Energy Transition
So for me, the energy transition is at the forefront of “cutting edge” innovation to deliver and why I have given this my 100% attention in the ways I can support the energy transition to offer ways to understand, investigate, research and become even more fully immersed in it.
My focus is to really become even more conversant in the Energy Transition, to build out what I know and can provide as “accelerating input” into its complexity in resolving both its issues and barriers, but also in “formulating outputs” in scope, opportunities and magnitude of scale for contributing where possible to supporting each organizations journey.
My focus on understanding the innovation needs of the energy transition and its urgency
Why did I chose to exclusively focus on different aspects of innovation within the energy transition is simple for me. We have such a real threat of climate change and any pathway to meet the Paris Agreements, where all countries pledged to keep the rise of the global temperature below 2 degrees C by 2050 and ideally try to work towards the position of 1.5-degree C above pre-industrial levels. These target goals mean bringing our temperatures down dramatically.
We are presently at a very critical decision time; there is the level of investment needed to achieve this, the current estimate to create a safe climate system is a need to invest USD 110 trillion of new investments in the energy sector by 2050.
Much of the investments need to be directed away from fossil fuels (the primary carbon emitters) into clean technologies. It is renewables, including most power generation and end-use applications that need to invest mostly through generation sources of wind, solar, hydrogen, and biofuels.
The opportunities for change are simply opening up everywhere.
This level of investment commitment will radically alter the job landscape, where energy is generated, by what means, and how it is going to be distributed, stored and consumed by us all.
Presently we are not making the essential investments we need to make. The period 2020 to 2030 is absolutely critical for investments not just to be pledged but effectively deployed on the ground in the physical solutions and effective operation needed to make this energy transition required on track to reach the climate goals.
It is the place I feel I can make the best contribution, a place where innovation thrives and drives discovery to commercialization of a new idea that emerges as a concept of value, often replacing something that does not “serve today’s or tomorrow’s purpose, where the energy transition must embrace fully “
My aim here is : “To achieve better, faster and more valuable future solutions with a focus on sustainability, to anticipate constant change and build different more exciting and valuable business models for lasting impact”
We provide a range of services that support your energy transitionat the front of the change process.
I have three sources of energy reference that is building the Energy Story, as I am seeing it. I encourage you to take a look….pleaseContinue reading →