The second part of my summary or part-reproduction of the McKinsey report “The Net-zero transition: what it will cost, what it can bring”
In a very extensive report, “the Net-zero transition in what it will cost and what it can bring” running to 224 pages, is produced by McKinsey Global Institute in collaboration with McKinsey Sustainability and McKinsey’s Global Energy & Materials and Advanced Industries Practices and published in January 2022.
Within this report, McKinsey outlines the Net-zero transition in one scenario-based analysis, that provides sobering but terrific value to thinking through all that is required in the net-zero transition being attempted.
I have taken here, in this second post, significant parts of their summary, their “in brief,” to amplify this work and show their summary of costs and outcomes. The first post is here. On both, I have not added any views, thoughts or comments. The only change I made was replacing “we” when referring to themselves in this report with McKinsey. Continue reading