We need to change the story on the Energy Ecosystem

I find Mind Maps as a great tool to think, record and review my thoughts. Within a recent evaluation of my positioning in contributing to the energy transition I drew up a series of approaches to undertaking changing the Energy Ecosystem. We need to build out the bigger Energy Ecosystem story.

In my opinion, the burning need is to recast Energy into a new Energy Ecosystem. We need to get the narrative and positioning right and have this as our evolutionary perspective. It is collaboration and co-creation that needs “combined” efforts. Yet, to get there we need to work off the same page in what needs to be achieved and what would give a greater understanding.

Here I am not prescribing a specific energy solution I am suggesting a way to approach the communications within the energy ecosystem

I believe we fail badly at crafting the story of the changes we need to undergo in Energy transformation so I scoped out a mind map of its many different parts and give a general, you could say “commons” understanding how to explain this by following some guidelines that become standard.

Let me offer some initial thoughts on changing the energy system

Why? We simply fail to describe the needs, the values and benefits of the change and gain the recognition from the consumer. We tend to communicate our internal perspectives not the perspectives of the final consumer and that is a huge mistake. We need common themes that can be related too as they can, over time, offer a consistency and recognition what a specific solution brings and where it fits in the Energy transition puzzle

Take a look at this mind map.

We need better explanations of the journey we are all on in each solution offered. The consumer or end customer needs to understand it from their perspective and here is my first thoughts on a structure to change and why. We all need a “common” set of reference points to build from. This mind map operates as a trigger but provides the reminders of what we need to “touch upon” in any change proposal.

Changing the Energy Ecosystem- opening thoughts

Any Energy Transition needs all its parts to become fully connected.  We provide the knowledge and understanding to help connect the parts that lead to a better “connected” understanding. People being asked to change need to not just accept it, they need to understand how it fits into a bigger picture……………for them, their community and for the planet. .

Any change in the energy system needs to have depth and greater knowledge, perspective and activism for delivering understanding, intent and helps position all out understanding of the Energy journey and our wish to support this along this transition pathway by being better informed and understanding that specific solutions contribution and the part that person can play to support it.

We are failing today, to get so many important, and pressing messages across as solution providers are simply caught up in their own, often just self-promoting messaging and that, quiet simply, is not good enough. We need to “draw in” the person we are asking to undergo a change and give them powerful, compelling reasons to make their change for the energy transition and what it means to us all together

The ability to balance policy and align those advanced common goals is essential. I have been working on this essential need for an integrated approach and a framework sequence that recognized the total Ecosystem for Energy transformation. Having a broader approach to Ecosystem design and thinking does help in bring collaboration and co-creation more into the center of developments


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