The energy industry has many problems transitioning from fossil reliance to renewables.
Any energy transition is a massive shift in the energy supply.
As our energy consumption continues rising, we face several global challenges. The primary sources of our energy production will need to change as carbon emissions and warming greenhouse gases continue to amass in the planet’s atmosphere, creating a more unstable world we live in today. Traditionally, we have been heavily dependent on mainly three types of fossil fuels in use for energy generation: coal, oil and natural gas are all non-renewable sources, depleting the planet’s resources.
The continued burning of fossil fuels for electricity, heat, and transportation is giving levels of carbon intensity that need to be dramatically reversed as this continues to put pressure on rising temperatures and a warming planet. We have this real need for an effective energy transition built on electricity supplied by renewables. Renewableenergy sources offer cleaner alternatives based on solar, wind power, hydroelectric energy, biomass from plants, hydrogen and fuel cells and geothermal power.
We need to build different energy solutions to resolve the current grid difficulties of accommodating variable power sources like wind and solar energy, the fastest-growing renewable power sources. As these resources begin to supply increasing percentages of power to the grid, integrating them into grid operations will become increasingly difficult.
The front end of energy, the point of discovery, is the place I feel I can make the best contribution within the energy transition, providing the stimulus and catalyst where innovation thrives. Innovation drives discovery to commercialization and this needs a clear management process
Any new idea that emerges as a concept of value is required to replace something that does not serve today’s or tomorrow’s purpose. We must embrace fully this within the energy transition, creating something completely new in different breakthroughs and new business models.
My aim here is to support you: “To achieve better, faster and more valuable future solutions with a focus on sustainability, to anticipate constant change and build different more exciting and valuable business models for lasting impact.”
Energy needs a distinct innovation process of discovery
My belief of why innovation is vital to the Energy Transition?
I have a real belief that there is lasting value for you. In engaging, exploring and exchanging, we all gain fresh insights and knowledge. If you open up your thinking to a different view that provides a fresh and different lens of the needs within the energy transition, you add that essential external perspective.
There is nearly always a need to bridge the awareness gap or others to provide the validation. Knowledge is gained when it is shared and exchanged. I put a lot of my time into researching the energy transition.
My role is to be a “translator” and take the innovator’s perspective looking for fresh opportunities, supporting and accelerating your existing ideas and concepts. We need to relate, even “ground” thinking and determine the real value and potential.
I believe there is a real gap in building a robust innovation capability, capacity and competency to help accelerate the Energy Transition journey.
I have over twenty years of advising and transforming innovation activities; I would suggest it is not a bad resource to “tap into”.
Innovation begins with discovery, then it moves through the innovation pipeline through its experimenting, validating, testing, often multiple trials, commissioning and eventual commercialization roll-outs.
Innovation is critical in this energy transition.
We recognize the need to move from research and development through engineering validation, then in fast iterative steps into a series of pilots constantly scaling actual solutions at speed. We do not have the luxury of evaluating these over standard lifetime returns or observing others over the years; there is the need to raise validation and take higher risks than in more stable times.
We need to be more pioneering. Without a coordinated effort, the risk is always cautious without a guarantee or point of crisis. To date, we have not generated coordination in policies, collaborations, and commitments to shared risks. We have yet to fully place in the minds of everyone what the crisis is and where it is heading if we do not respond with a real sense of purpose.
So for me, the energy transition is at the forefront of “cutting edge” innovation to deliver. Why this gets the real attention in the ways we can support the energy transition. Our contribution is to offer ways to understand, investigate, research and become even more fully engaged in this incredibly complex but exciting energy transition journey.
Our ongoing focus is to become even more conversant in the Energy Transition, to build out what we know. It can provide “accelerating input” into its complexity in resolving both its issues and barriers and “formulating outputs” in scope, opportunities, and magnitude of scale for contributing where possible to support each organisation’s journey.
I am looking for a “combination effect” offering insights, knowledge and services.
Energy is transforming, and it is those that build new solutions through innovation that will become the frontrunners.
My job is to help and support them on their way.
Our belief is there is a real gap in the need to build a robust innovation capability, capacity and competency for achieving real change in the energy system.
My dedicated posting sites for the energy transition are: – This posting site offers a mix of thought leadership, news and awareness– This site focuses on the growing influence of digitalization on the energy system
Should we allow energy to continue on its current system, reliant on fossil fuels, old, inadequate energy systems, and unreliable infrastructure solutions?
Or do we finally recognize, power solutions need to change radically into sources of energy, based more on renewables, that provide cleaner, more naturally sustaining environments based on wind, the sun, and natural conversion of water or the increased use of biomass?
These Energy posting sites provide insights and knowledge to support and complement your understanding of the Energy Transition we are all undertaking
The energy ecosystem is not impacting many; it is affecting us all
Connecting the partsOur belief & mission: “We believe there is a real gap in the need to build a robust innovation capability, capacity, and competency to help accelerate the Energy Transition journey”.Our role: “To be a “translator.” We take the perspective of the innovator looking for fresh opportunities in the energy transition. That of supporting and accelerating your existing ideas and concepts. adding in further impact & value.”Why are we different?the aim to achieve better, faster and more valuable future solutions for clients with a focus on energy sustainability – To offer new perspectives, supporting and building different more exciting and valuable business models, ones based on new innovations & fresh insights for lasting impact.”Who we are (links) :Agility Innovationinnovating4energy.cominnovation4energy.websiteWhat we offer: Fresh knowledge and insights that are based on deep research and know-how, corporate understanding plus twenty years of advising and transforming innovation activities. We believe we are providing a great resource to “tap into” from the advisory role, connecting the Energy Transition needs by looking from the Innovators perspective.We provide a unique blend of services within the Energy Transition.Why innovate energy?Any transition needs designing with external and internal perspectives, it needs innovation to provide a new future. Our research, your insights and the depth of our combined experience builds momentum that we believe translates into new valuable business offerings.
It is the place I feel I can make the best contribution, a place where innovation thrives and drives discovery to commercialization of a new idea that emerges as a concept of value, often replacing something that does not “serve today’s or tomorrow’s purpose, where the energy transition must embrace fully “
My aim here is : “To achieve better, faster and more valuable future solutions with a focus on sustainability, to anticipate constant change and build different more exciting and valuable business models for lasting impact”
The belief of why innovation is vital to the Energy Transition
Our belief is there is real value for you to view what you doing with a different lens. There is often a need to bridge the awareness gap. Knowledge is gained when it is shared and exchanged. I put a lot of my time into researching the energy transition.
Our role is to be a “translator” and to take the perspective of the innovator looking for fresh opportunities, supporting and accelerating your existing ideas and concepts. We need to relate, even “ground” thinking and determine the real value and potential
We believe there is a real gap in the need to build a robust innovation capability, capacity and competency to help accelerate the Energy Transition journey. I have over twenty years of advising and transforming innovation activities, not a bad resource to “tap into”.
Innovation begins with discovery, then it moves through the innovation pipeline, through its experimenting, validating, testing, often multiple trials, commissioning and eventual commercialization roll-outs.
Innovation is critical in this energy transition.
We need to move from research and development, through engineering validation but into pilot and scaling actual solutions at speed. We do not have the luxury of evaluating these over standard lifetime returns or observing others over the years, there is the need to raise validation and take higher risks, than in more stable times.
We need to be more pioneering. Without a coordinated effort, risk is always cautious without some form of guarantee or point of crisis. To date, we have not generated co-ordination in policies, collaborations, and commitments to shared risks. We have yet to fully place in the minds of everyone what the crisis is and where it is heading if we do not respond with a real sense of purpose.
So for us, the energy transition is at the forefront of “cutting edge” innovation to deliver and why this gets our real attention in the ways we can support the energy transition to offer ways to understand, investigate, research and become even more fully immersed in it.
Our ongoing focus is to continually become even more conversant in the Energy Transition, to build out what we know and can provide as “accelerating input” into its complexity in resolving both its issues and barriers, but also in “formulating outputs” in scope, opportunities and magnitude of scale for contributing where possible to supporting each organizations journey.
Our role is to be a “translator” and to take the perspective of the innovator looking for fresh opportunities, supporting and accelerating your existing ideas and concepts. We need to relate, even “ground” thinking and determine the real value and potential
We provide a range of services that support your energy transitionat the front of the change process.
I have three sources of energy reference that is building the Energy Story, as I am seeing it. I encourage you to take a look….please – the digitalization of energy is a very exciting place at present as its value is recognized as vital to bring our energy up to date.
We believe there is a real gap in the need to build a robust innovation capability, capacity and competency to help accelerate the Energy Transition journey. I have over twenty years of advising and transforming innovation activities, not a bad resource to “tap into”.
Two points of innovation reference that are my core here
Innovation begins with discovery, then it moves through the innovation pipeline, through its experimenting, validating, testing, often multiple trials, commissioning and eventual commercialization roll-outs.
The opportunities for change are simply opening up everywhere. Our belief it is innovation will be at the forefront of the changes.
This level of investment commitment will radically alter the job landscape, where energy is generated, by what means, and how it is going to be distributed, stored and consumed by us all.
Presently we are not making the essential investments we need to make. The period 2020 to 2030 is absolutely critical for investments not just to be pledged but effectively deployed on the ground in the physical solutions and effective operation needed to make this energy transition required on track to reach the climate goals.
We need to move from research and development, through engineering validation but into pilot and scaling actual solutions at speed. We do not have the luxury of evaluating these over standard lifetime returns or observing others over the years, there is the need to raise validation and take higher risks, than in more stable times.
We need to be more pioneering. Without a coordinated effort, risk is always cautious without some form of guarantee or point of crisis. To date, we have not generated co-ordination in policies, collaborations, and commitments to shared risks. We have yet to fully place in the minds of everyone what the crisis is and where it is heading if we do not respond with a real sense of purpose.
My innovating purpose in the Energy Transition
So for me, the energy transition is at the forefront of “cutting edge” innovation to deliver and why I have given this my 100% attention in the ways I can support the energy transition to offer ways to understand, investigate, research and become even more fully immersed in it.
My focus is to really become even more conversant in the Energy Transition, to build out what I know and can provide as “accelerating input” into its complexity in resolving both its issues and barriers, but also in “formulating outputs” in scope, opportunities and magnitude of scale for contributing where possible to supporting each organizations journey.
My focus on understanding the innovation needs of the energy transition and its urgency
Why did I chose to exclusively focus on different aspects of innovation within the energy transition is simple for me. We have such a real threat of climate change and any pathway to meet the Paris Agreements, where all countries pledged to keep the rise of the global temperature below 2 degrees C by 2050 and ideally try to work towards the position of 1.5-degree C above pre-industrial levels. These target goals mean bringing our temperatures down dramatically.
We are presently at a very critical decision time; there is the level of investment needed to achieve this, the current estimate to create a safe climate system is a need to invest USD 110 trillion of new investments in the energy sector by 2050.
Much of the investments need to be directed away from fossil fuels (the primary carbon emitters) into clean technologies. It is renewables, including most power generation and end-use applications that need to invest mostly through generation sources of wind, solar, hydrogen, and biofuels.
The opportunities for change are simply opening up everywhere.
This level of investment commitment will radically alter the job landscape, where energy is generated, by what means, and how it is going to be distributed, stored and consumed by us all.
Presently we are not making the essential investments we need to make. The period 2020 to 2030 is absolutely critical for investments not just to be pledged but effectively deployed on the ground in the physical solutions and effective operation needed to make this energy transition required on track to reach the climate goals.
The Energy Transition needs significant innovation application.
I work as a transition advocate for innovation, ecosystems, within IIoT, and the energy system as my points of focus. I relate content to context to give greater knowledge and build the transition narratives we are all undergoing. I have been investing my time in growing my understanding, expertise, and thinking over these “core” topics.
My Innovation intent has been central to this for twenty years in consulting, mentoring and advising. This has progressively ‘funnelled down’ into recognizing the value of ecosystems as the business design for innovation in the future, to thrive and deliver more significant value creation especially in the Energy Transition that is underway.
We are innovating experts positioned at the Front End of the Energy Transition to accelerate your thinking and support the shaping of future opportunities that give growth and impact potential
I run a specialized advisor and mentoring business; it is small but has an intense focus on its clients’ needs.
Should we allow energy to continue in its current system, reliant on fossil fuels, old, inadequate energy systems, and unreliable infrastructure solutions, so what are all the challenges within the Energy Transition?
Or do we finally recognize, power solutions need to change radically into sources of energy, based more on renewables, that provide cleaner, more naturally sustaining environments based on wind, the sun, and natural conversion of water or the increased use of biomass?
The energy ecosystem is not impacting many; it is affecting us all
We are all impacted; energy drives much of our lives, and innovation feeds that appetite.
We do need to recognize that the energy transition, as its end product, electricity, is what we all have become highly dependent upon.
Electricity is powering and linking into each of our economies, into our societies. Yet we are facing a stark choice for our earth.
It is how we innovate our energy solutions will enable us to move towards a clean energy future
What we offer is exploring the Energy Landscape in Understanding and then translating that in the Energy Value Positioning Offering, these are our points of extracted value
It is the researching, knowledge and insights gained that give awareness, growth opportunities and the necessary identification. Our role is to extract this orientation and give the identification by our front end work
Connecting Innovation is visualized in this Mind Map of the possible connecting parts.
Translating any positioning needs to be thought through and based on a detailed evaluation of where new thinking comes into play